by Ron Zayas
Your home address.Your cell phone number.Your email address.We typically refer to these items as personally identifying information (PII). We protect judges, police and leaders in federal government…
by Ron Zayas
Judges, courts, police departments and healthcare providers expect results when they contract with an online privacy protection provider. They recognize the dangers of having personally identifiable…
by Ron Zayas
Why is there so much personal information about judges easily accessible online? How is it being weaponized – and what can be done about it? These topics were the focus of our recent judicial…
by Ron Zayas
To pay or not to pay – that is the question regarding ransomware attacks against municipal services. But if some states have their way, victims may no longer have a choice.Two states – North Carolina…
by Ron Zayas
Do you live in California? Is your company based there? Lucky you. You not only get to enjoy great weather and great beaches and Disneyland – you also get to protect your personally identifiable…
by Ron Zayas
QR codes. Some people love them, some people still haven’t figured out how they work. The tech-savvy among us might scoff at those folks, but at least they won’t be victims of the latest way hackers…
by Ron Zayas
The message is finally sinking in.We’ve been warning for more than a decade about the widespread dissemination of personally identifiable information (PII) about all of us on thousands of websites,…
by Ron Zayas
“Thank you, but we already have identity theft protection.”Our salespeople occasionally hear this response from decision-makers at prestigious national organizations. They believe identity theft…
by Ron Zayas
Colorado's new privacy legislation went into effect on July 1, joining several other states in enhancing privacy protections. That’s the good news. And now that residents in these states have a right…
by David Hofstede
Vulnerable to ransomware? It’s not your servers – it’s your peopleThat’s the title of an article written by Ironwall by Incogni's CEO Ron Zayas that appeared as the top story on the DOTmed…

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