
Judge Endangered By Amazon Book Listing

“You never know where an attack is going to come from. This was certainly an unusual situation that IronWall360 addressed quickly.”
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Superior Court Enhances Security with IronWall360 After Protest at Judge's Home

“If my address is online, I feel vulnerable – particularly after a controversial verdict that makes the news. IronWall360 protection gives me peace of mind.”
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Privacy Breaches Require An Immediate Response

“Online scams are annoying enough without also representing a threat to a judge’s privacy. IronWall360 makes sure any potential danger from these scams is eliminated – fast.”
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Protecting Your Privacy Without Giving Up the Internet

“I know I needed protection, but I didn’t want to be forced to give up social media and online shopping just to keep my address private. With IronWall360 monitoring my exposure, I can still enjoy my favorite sites and stay safe.”
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“Rate-a-Judge” Website Ignored Complaints From Judge – Until IronWall360 Got Involved

“With some websites sending an email is not enough to get private content removed – they only respond to a person-to-person demand, and IronWall360 is the company that always gets results .”
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Persistence Pays When Working with Google to Remove Private Content

“Judge reported the address is gone! You guys are amazing!” Those seeking to find the home address or other private content on a judge or police officer will likely begin that quest through a search engine – usually Google.
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