One of the primary objectives of privacy protection is to reduce or eliminate the volume of personal content accessible online for the judges, police, social workers and other clients that we represent. If that content is not easily found, it makes it much more difficult for someone with a grudge against one of our clients to act upon it.

However, that does not mean we do not take every active threat seriously. Most will amount to nothing – someone blowing off steam on social media over a speeding ticket. But in these turbulent times a moment of anger can escalate into something more serious – and that’s when our emergency threat procedures are initiated.

When an active threat is discovered by our searchers or reported by a Premium client, there are the protocols we put in place to deal with the situation.

1. We Contact the Recipient

A phone call is made to share whatever information has been discovered and to gather any additional information that may be relevant. We provide a direct contact number for any further interaction during the emergency response period.

2. Increased Searches

Searches of the client under threat are increased to twice per day, and expanded in breadth to detect any further content related to the threat.

3. We Investigate the Source of the Threat

If the identity of the person making the threat is known, we surveil their social media properties and other web activities and share the results with the client, and if necessary with law enforcement.

4. Preventative Privacy Tools

We make sure the client is using the preventative tools available to Premium members – these include solutions that mask one’s cell phone number, email address, and online search and browsing activity. If it deemed necessary we will extend these same protections to the client’s family.

These actions will continue for a period of 90 days, after which the threat situation will be re-assessed to determine whether further action is needed.

No other online privacy protection service provides this level of service when you need it most. The peace of mind of our clients, especially in moment like these, is our highest goal.

If you are enrolled in our Basic protection service and wish to upgrade to Premium, please contact an IronWall360 representative.

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Ron Zayas


Ron Zayas is an online privacy expert and CEO of Ironwall by Incogni. A sought-after speaker and author, Ron has helped courts, law enforcement, and other public service organizations across the count... Read more

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