“I know I needed protection, but I didn’t want to be forced to give up social media and online shopping just to keep my address private. With IronWall360 monitoring my exposure, I can still enjoy my favorite sites and stay safe.”

Judges have special careers that require special protection, but they also have lives outside the courtroom. They stay in touch with friends on Facebook, order books from Amazon, and belong to clubs and groups with shared interests.

One judge, aware of the need for online privacy protection, was concerned about losing access to the online activities she enjoyed. However, IronWall360’s proprietary software ensures she doesn’t have to be removed from legitimate sites. It only ensures that personal identifying information is not publicly available.

As a result, the judge now enjoys top-tier online privacy protection while still being able to rant about new Netflix shows on Facebook.

Note: To protect our clients' privacy, all case studies describe events in a way that ensures their safety and anonymity.

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