“With some websites sending an email is not enough to get private content removed – they only respond to a person-to-person demand, and IronWall360 is the company that always gets results .”

The Problem

You can rate almost anything online, including judges. A Yelp!-like website allowed people who appeared before a judge to leave reviews, and as often happens, few users posted anything positive.

One California judge became a primary target of this site, with negative comments and his home address published. He tried for months to get this dangerous information removed, but the site either ignored him or made vague promises to address it. They claimed they weren't responsible for visitors' comments.

Our Solution

The judge then became an IronWall360 privacy protection client. We contacted the website and informed them about a California statute that holds them responsible for both their content and user comments. We demanded the removal of the content and suggested ways to streamline the process, anticipating similar needs for other IronWall360 clients.

Once we made our position clear, the content was taken down, and has not reappeared.

Other services may search for personal data, but they don’t take direct action. They either inform their clients of what they found with removal suggestions or send an email to the website, which is often ignored. With IronWall360, we take decisive action that gets results every time.

Learn More About IronWall360 Online Privacy Protection

Note: To protect our clients' privacy, all case studies describe events in a way that ensures their safety and anonymity.

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