“If my address is online, I feel vulnerable – particularly after a controversial verdict that makes the news. IronWall360 protection gives me peace of mind.”

In 2020, civil unrest led to numerous court cases with high tensions on both sides. After signing an arrest warrant for a protestor, a judge faced a loud, angry mob at her home. The protestors had found her address online.

Her Superior Court increased security protocols, but it wasn’t enough to stop the spread of personal information on multiple websites. The Court contracted with IronWall360 to take charge of their online privacy.

Using proprietary software, the IronWall360 privacy team went to work – scanning the internet daily, identifying and removing judges' information from anywhere they found it online. Most sites complied within 1-2 business days. Those that did not were threatened with legal action, and then acceded to IronWall’s request.

In a case like the one described above, if an individual or group is angry enough to seek out a judge’s home address online, they may not stop if it cannot be located. They may try to find that information through a judge’s spouse, child or relative. Recognizing this possibility, the Superior Court elected to extend its protection to the family members of their judges, both those living at the same address and those residing elsewhere. 

Since partnering with IronWall360, the Superior Court has been very happy with the results and the team's responsiveness. Judges can now perform their duties with greater peace of mind.

Please Note: To protect our clients' privacy, all case studies describe events in a way that ensures their safety and anonymity.

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