The IronWall360 team from 360Civic recently returned from the annual National Association for Court Management (NACM) conference in Milwaukee.

NACM is the world's largest organization of court management professionals with members from all levels and courts. It was an excellent opportunity to connect with court management and judges about our privacy protection service, and how we can keep these public servants and their families safe by removing their private information online.

The response we received was, in a word, overwhelming. Attendees understood the importance of this service, particularly in these divisive times.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently warned that threats against judges in the US could become even more volatile throughout the midterm election season. We see these dangers unfolding in real-time because our service already protects hundreds of judges. We are dealing with an increase in situations where we need to contact websites to make sure our clients’ private content is removed. Judges have been attacked at their homes – and in some cases, their families were also victimized.

A judge’s home should be off-limits to anyone who disagrees with his or her opinions or actions. The internet has virtually eliminated that barrier. IronWall360 restores it.

If we missed you at NACM, we hope to see you soon at one of the following 2022 events:

  • NAPCO in Anaheim (August)
  • CJA Annual Conference (September)
  • COPSWEST (October)

Looking for Privacy Protection for Your Judges?

We can help - Contact us for a quote for your court here.


Sara Darby

Director of Marketing

Sara manages the strategic direction and implementation for the marketing department for 360Civic / IronWall360. Sara graduated from California State University, Fullerton, earning a B.A. in Busine... Read more

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