Media sources report that the Fulton County Grand Jury in the Donald Trump indictment has been doxed. If you search on social media it won’t take long to find jurors’ names, home addresses and photographs.
It was, sadly, predictable. But that doesn’t make it acceptable. Whether it’s targeting jurors here or going after Supreme Court justices at their homes last year – this is not about politics, it’s about basic human decency, and not expressing your anger over any one decision or legal action in a way that makes someone else feel personally threatened.
It Can Happen to You
In this current climate of instant outrage, and given how easily anyone can find your personal information online, everyone needs to be aware that they – or someone in their family – could be the next targets.
If you are a judge or a police officer or a social worker, you should already know this. You are one case or one decision away from making someone angry enough to come after you.
“But I’m just a plumber from San Diego!” – Sure – but what if you do your civic duty and sit on a jury, like those folks in Fulton County did? Maybe you’ll never get doxed that way – but the availability of your private data can lead to other serious issues that can have a devastating impact on your family.
What You Need to Do
Protect yourself. Period. We think you should do so with us because our service is more thorough than what our competitors provide.
Scammers are using artificial intelligence to doctor audio and video files you’ve posted on social media to convince your loved ones that you are in danger and need money. Phishing and identity theft scams target thousands of people every day – and all of these attacks are fueled solely by information – your information, and how easy it is to find and share.
That is why, in addition to privacy protection, we offer additional solutions to dramatically lower your online footprint – and your odds of being the next victim. They include:
- NordVPN – to secure your logins, passwords and private information, and keep strangers from finding out what you do online.
- Secure Emails – that allow you to share your real email address only with those you trust.
- A VoIP number – protects your cell phone number by forwarding calls to your actual number without revealing it.
These solutions work – and individually or bundled together they keep your personal information out of circulation for about the cost of one fast food meal per month.
We don’t want to sound paranoid – but we hear too many horror stories every week to not acknowledge how bad it is right now.
You many not think it very likely that you’ll be the next victim. But it’s also unlikely your home will be destroyed in a natural disaster, yet you have homeowner’s insurance to protect yourself if that happens. It’s time to start thinking about identity insurance – that is what we do.
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