Our goal is to keep as many judges, police officers, social workers, and other public servants safe in their homes by making sure no one can find their home address online. But to do so, we need your help!

Referring Courts, Association, or Departments

If your entire court, association or department is IronWall360 protected, why not let your fellow officers and court officials know that this protection is available?

Refer these organizations to us by filling out the form linked below so we know whom to contact, and we will reach out to them on your behalf. If they choose to become IronWall360 clients, you will receive a commission – either a gift card, credit to your account, or a donation on your behalf to the nonprofit of your choosing.

I’d Like to Refer a Court, Association or Department


Individual Referrals

If you know of a fellow judge, law enforcement officer, social worker, or public servant that needs protection, let us know through our refer-a-friend program. Fill out the form linked below, and an email will be sent directly to the person you’re referring to gift them with an extended 90-day free trial. If they remain in our program after the free trial, we'll send you a $20 Amazon gift card via email as a thank you. Just fill out the form below and we’ll take care of the rest.

Send a Friend Protection in 2-minutes


Ready to Protect Your Organization?

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