Protection Strategies for Judges: Court Review Publishes Article From 360Civic CEO

We believe every judge must have confidence in their personal security, and the safety of their families, as they work to deliver equal justice under the law. But new threats have emerged over the past decade that must be acknowledged, and addressed.

Ron Zayas, CEO of 360Civic and its IronWall360 privacy protection service, has written an article on this vital issue that has been published in the current edition of Court Review magazine.

Another Week, Another Judge Facing Death Threats

You knew it was coming before it happened.

Days after the FBI executed a search warrant on former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, the judge that approved that warrant began receiving death threats.

Just months after Supreme Court justices found themselves in a similar situation, someone posted the judge’s home address on websites and posted anti-Semitic slurs that resulted in his synagogue canceling Friday night services as a precaution.

We’re Coming To Your House

“We’re Coming To Your House”

That was the threat recently issued by a group called ShutDownDC to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Why it was issued is unimportant. Some will agree with the goals of that group and some will not. But there should be no disagreement over the potential danger in this type of situation. You don’t want people with a complaint or cause gathering outside the place you live and raise your children.

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