Cyberattacks on Municipalities up 50% – How to Protect Yourself

It’s not breaking news to report that hackers rank among the poorest excuses for human beings on the planet. But it takes a disaster like a pandemic to reveal how awful they are.

While cities and states cope with the added stress of keeping government services accessible in these challenging times, hackers are taking advantage of their distraction by increasing ransomware attacks – locking out access to vital services until a ransom is paid for their restoration.

Yes, this is one more headache you don’t need. Yes, we can help.

360Civic Publishes Free Whitepaper on Ransomware Protection

Horror stores about ransomware have been impossible to avoid, because they just keep coming. Every month, it seems another website for a municipality, a school district, a library, a police department or some other public sector entity is invaded by computer code that locks out public officials from the essential services they provide.

Fortunately, there are ways to fight back.

Ransomware Scares In Alaska and Atlanta: How to Protect Yourself

Did you hear about the ransomware that attacked Atlanta?

Sounds like the title of one of those 1950s monster movies. Unfortunately, in this case the monster is real, as is the damage it inflicted on the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

Earlier this year, a ransomware attack shut down many of Atlanta’s online systems for more than a week. As a result:

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