Never Trust a Palm Reader: Risks of Biometric Data Collection and Panera's Palm Scanners

Concerns over biometric data collection (fingerprints, facial/voice recognition, retinal scans) are growing, to the point where several states now have legislation pending on what companies can collect, and how such data can be used, stored, sold, or shared.

The biggest problem, however, is the number of people who will happily provide this data for a few seconds of extra convenience, at places like Panera Bread.

It’s Time to Learn the Difference Between Real Privacy Protection – And What Other Providers Offer

360Civic has provided IronWall360 online privacy protection for more than ten years. When we started doing this, we were almost alone in offering this service. Since then, other companies have emerged, all making similar claims to protect your privacy.

So why is it that, when we search for the home addresses of their clients online, we always find them?

Private Data About San Francisco’s BART Police Now Online, After the Latest Law Enforcement Hack

Recently, the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Police Department revealed that police personnel files were stolen in a ransomware attack and posted on the dark web. This is not the first such attack against BART personnel; in 2011, hackers released more than 100 officers’ email addresses, passwords and personal data.

That’s going to result in some bad press for a fine organization, but the fact is that no public entity is immune to such attacks. From the largest global entities to the smallest municipal library, hackers can strike anywhere.

37 Million Home Addresses Exposed? Just Another Day

Last week, T-Mobile announced that an unidentified malicious intruder breached its network in late November and stole data on 37 million customers, including addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth.

Yes – you read that right – 37 million.

It’s distressing how casually announcements like this are made, and how most people barely take notice of them anymore. But for those in certain professions, like judges and police officers, having your address leaked can post a serious threat to the security of your home and your family's safety.

Shots Fired At Politicians’ Homes – Another Reason to Keep Your Address Off the Internet

For public servants nationwide, this week brings yet another reminder of how having your home address online can result in danger lurking outside your front door.

Police in Albuquerque, New Mexico, arrested a former Republican candidate for the state House of Representatives in connection with multiple shootings by four men at local Democratic politicians’ homes. Several shots were fired at every residence, and one of the bullets shattered the bedroom window of the 10-year-old daughter of the shooter’s target.

360Civic Advises Online Users to “Embrace the Opt-Out” To Protect Their Privacy Online

360Civic today advocated for individuals to play a greater role in their own online privacy. Opting out of data collection as a critical first step in preventing unnecessary information gathering.

Having one’s home address, phone number and other personal data shared and sold can result in a multitude of problems, and is especially hazardous for such public servants as judges, social workers and police officers.

360Civic Partner Honored by TIME Magazine

Every year TIME Magazine selects a few outstanding, innovative products for inclusion on its Best Inventions list – a celebration of innovations that make the world a better, safer place.

This year we were pleased – though certainly not surprised – to see NordVPN on the 2022 list. We know a great product and a great company when we see one – that’s why we added NordVPN service to the enhanced IronWall360 security protection 360Civic provides to its premium clients. The service is also available to our basic subscribers for a nominal fee.

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