How To Keep Your Private Data Safe From Chatbots

How many times have we heard it – the more information you provide online, the easier it is for a company to serve you. Of course, that data is valuable to companies and websites for many other reasons as well – and what they do with that data can expose your home address and other private content to marketers, and to other entities that won’t care very much about protecting it.

Protection Strategies for Judges: Court Review Publishes Article From 360Civic CEO

We believe every judge must have confidence in their personal security, and the safety of their families, as they work to deliver equal justice under the law. But new threats have emerged over the past decade that must be acknowledged, and addressed.

Ron Zayas, CEO of 360Civic and its IronWall360 privacy protection service, has written an article on this vital issue that has been published in the current edition of Court Review magazine.

Mom? Is That You? Voice Clone Technology: Another Way To Steal Your Money

Never underestimate the determination of terrible people to exploit technology to do terrible things.

One day you may get a phone call from a relative or a close friend, saying they’re in trouble and need you to send money immediately. You recognize the voice, so your immediate impulse is to help them. But that call may be from someone you don’t know, trying to take you for everything he can.

Never Trust a Palm Reader: Risks of Biometric Data Collection and Panera's Palm Scanners

Concerns over biometric data collection (fingerprints, facial/voice recognition, retinal scans) are growing, to the point where several states now have legislation pending on what companies can collect, and how such data can be used, stored, sold, or shared.

The biggest problem, however, is the number of people who will happily provide this data for a few seconds of extra convenience, at places like Panera Bread.

Why More Women Judges Enroll in Online Privacy Protection

More women are becoming judges these days, and that is a good thing. According to the National Association of Women Judges, more than one-third of all judges in America are now women, an increase from just 25% in 2008. And given the current administration’s prioritization on equity in hiring, that number should continue to rise.

The Oakland Ransomware Attack: Tips to Stay Safe

When we saw the news about Oakland being hit with a major ransomware attack, we knew two things were about to occur. First, our website traffic would surge and we’d be processing requests from hundreds of new clients over the next 48 hours. Second, we’d hear from current clients, confirming that their online privacy protection was still active and working to keep them safe.

It’s Time to Learn the Difference Between Real Privacy Protection – And What Other Providers Offer

360Civic has provided IronWall360 online privacy protection for more than ten years. When we started doing this, we were almost alone in offering this service. Since then, other companies have emerged, all making similar claims to protect your privacy.

So why is it that, when we search for the home addresses of their clients online, we always find them?

A Solution For Police Departments Facing Recruitment Challenges

According to the Police Executive Research Forum, from 2019 to 2021 resignations for officers are up 43%, and retirements are up 24%. As a result, police departments across the country are dealing with crippling personnel shortages. There are several reasons for this, but the challenge now is for these departments to find a way to swell their ranks so they can continue to provide a level of protection and service commensurate with the needs of their communities.

37 Million Home Addresses Exposed? Just Another Day

Last week, T-Mobile announced that an unidentified malicious intruder breached its network in late November and stole data on 37 million customers, including addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth.

Yes – you read that right – 37 million.

It’s distressing how casually announcements like this are made, and how most people barely take notice of them anymore. But for those in certain professions, like judges and police officers, having your address leaked can post a serious threat to the security of your home and your family's safety.

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