Police and Doxing: The Danger is Real – But So is the Protection

Imagine you’re a police officer, and you make an arrest, and the daughter of the man you arrested believes you were wrong, or used excessive force. So he tweets a link to a webpage that lists your home address, and the addresses of your relatives.

No need to imagine – it already happened in New York. And that tweet was viewed by thousands of people, and re-tweeted nearly 500 times.


Why Do Our Law Enforcement Professionals Need Online Protection?

We try not to bring our jobs home with us, but too often those in law enforcement do not have that option. It’s an unfortunate fact that California sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement personnel are under attack in the places where they live.

That’s why we started our online protection program – to hopefully prevent a tragedy before it can happen.

Sign Up Now For Our Police Protection Program - Free for 60 Days

Webinar: Introducing Our New Police Online Protection Program

We’ve all watched the news over the past year – there’s no escaping the reality that for police officers this is a very challenging and dangerous time.

Our company decided to do something to help.

For nearly a decade, 360Civic has administered a successful program that provides online protection for judges by locating and removing their personal information from websites. We are now pleased to provide that same service to police officers and other law enforcement personnel.

Our upcoming webinar has the details – and you are invited.

Cyberattacks on Municipalities up 50% – How to Protect Yourself

It’s not breaking news to report that hackers rank among the poorest excuses for human beings on the planet. But it takes a disaster like a pandemic to reveal how awful they are.

While cities and states cope with the added stress of keeping government services accessible in these challenging times, hackers are taking advantage of their distraction by increasing ransomware attacks – locking out access to vital services until a ransom is paid for their restoration.

Yes, this is one more headache you don’t need. Yes, we can help.

Protection Online For Those Who Protect Us

Being a police officer has never been an easy job. But over the past year it has become even more dangerous. Statistics show that violence against police is on the rise.

The reasons behind this are for others to debate. The issue is what can be done to help.

At 360Civic we can’t do anything about what happens on the streets in our cities – but we can protect law enforcement against those who wish to harm police officers and their families by accessing their personal information online.

How Ironwall Is Protecting Judges and Public Officials Online

In these contentious times, those on the front lines in government, judicial and law enforcement positions face serious threats. One tragic example of this occurred in 2017 when a gunman murdered three police officers, having targeted them by researching their home addresses online.

There are a lot of angry people out there.

While the internet still has a wild west, anything-goes reputation, there are laws in place that help protect some public officials and their families.

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