Why Your Kids Need Online Privacy Protection

COVID forced many school-age children into virtual learning situations, made possible by educational apps and websites provided by their schools. Now, it turns out those services collected personal data, tracked those students' online behaviors, and sold that data to third-party companies.

Should they have been allowed to do so? No. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a US law, provides broad privacy protections for student educational records and protect them from invasive online tracking.

Wisconsin Judge Murdered – Why Privacy Protection is Essential

When we speak to judges about online privacy protection, we always stress that the danger of having their private information accessible online is very real.

Sadly, that point was proven yet again just days ago in Wisconsin, where a retired judge, Hon. John Roemer, was murdered in what police describe as a targeted attack. According to the state’s attorney general, the gunman had selected targets who were "part of the judicial system,” and that the targeting was based on court cases.

Google Now Says It Can Remove Your Private Information

Recently, Google added an option for users to opt-out of their private information being shown in search results. However, it is important to understand that this does not provide you with a sufficient level of protection against your address and your phone number is easily accessible online.

Why Google Did It

Spurred by GDPR and California Privacy legislation, Google has been under increased pressure to police the publication of private information on its search engine.

Protection Online For Those Who Protect Us

Being a police officer has never been an easy job. But over the past year it has become even more dangerous. Statistics show that violence against police is on the rise.

The reasons behind this are for others to debate. The issue is what can be done to help.

At 360Civic we can’t do anything about what happens on the streets in our cities – but we can protect law enforcement against those who wish to harm police officers and their families by accessing their personal information online.

How Ironwall Is Protecting Judges and Public Officials Online

In these contentious times, those on the front lines in government, judicial and law enforcement positions face serious threats. One tragic example of this occurred in 2017 when a gunman murdered three police officers, having targeted them by researching their home addresses online.

There are a lot of angry people out there.

While the internet still has a wild west, anything-goes reputation, there are laws in place that help protect some public officials and their families.

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