Another Scam – And Another Caution About Clicking Email Links

Most ransomware attacks and phishing schemes in public and private sector entities are successful because someone in that organization clicks on a link that gives the hackers access to their systems – and personal data on their personnel.

There are numerous ways to make one of these links seem authentic, and one of the latest may be among the most deceptive.

IronWall360 Featured on The Frankie Boyer Show

IronWall360 CEO Ron Zayas appeared as a guest on the popular Frankie Boyer Show podcast to explain how Internet sites collect, share and sell our personal information.

Like most people, Ms. Boyer was surprised to discover how the typical online activities we do every day make us vulnerable to scammers, hackers, and those that may wish to do us harm. The danger is particularly elevated for women, seniors, and those in certain professions such as law enforcement, mental health, and criminal justice.

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