How Your Privacy Became a Weapon – And What You Can Do About It

What is a weapon? One dictionary defines that term as “any implement  used to deter, threaten, inflict physical damage, harm, or kill.”

Over the course of human history weapons have evolved from rocks to clubs to knives to guns.

But in a world connected through online communication, your privacy has become the most dangerous weapon of all.

The $200 Million Deepfake – And Why You Could Be Next

In previous blogs we’ve discussed how artificial intelligence can fake a colleague or loved one’s voice within a phishing attack designed to extort money from unsuspecting victims. But to many this still sounds like science fiction – something that may be possible technologically, but would require such planning to execute that its unlikely anyone would actually try it.

I mean, rather than go through all that trouble, why not just get a real job, and make your money honestly?

Consumer Privacy Laws: Do They Really Matter?

For more than a decade IronWall360 has effectively removed our clients’ personal information from the Internet. This is sometimes easier to do in states that have passed consumer privacy legislation, or have specific laws in place about safeguarding the privacy of judges, police officers and other public sector professionals.

PimEyes: The Latest Threat to Your Privacy and Security

At this point, even we are shocked at how often new technology is unveiled that seems designed to put others in danger.

Friends, meet PimEyes. Now, anyone can take your picture with their phone and upload it to a search engine that will help them find out exactly who you are. And that answer is delivered in seconds.

Created in Poland, you can now use PimEyes with TikTok. And of course, it’s free, because that’s how much your privacy and security are worth.

Is Your Car Spying On You?

Today’s cars are essentially computers on wheels. How you feel about that depends on how you view computers.

The California Privacy Protection Agency is not a fan. They are looking into whether all that sophisticated technology that delivers a smoother, more reliable, and more comfortable ride is also invading your privacy and collecting personal data about your location, your personal preferences, and other details about your daily life.

Ransomware Is Attacking Your City: Here’s What To Do About It

Horror stores about ransomware just keep coming. Every week another city finds itself under attack by computer code that locks out personnel from the essential services they provide.

Your city is being targeted right now. The security protocols built into your IT infrastructure will repel most breach attempts. But they won’t catch them all. And sometimes – in fact, most of the time – it’s not about technology; it’s about one employee clicking on a phishing email that gives hackers access to your systems.

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